Curriculum Vitae

Overview of Career Steps


2020- Full Professor at the Center for HCI, Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg
2019-23 Senior Researcher at COSY - Cooperative Systems, University of Vienna
2019-20 Guest Professor at the Department of Business Development and Technology Aarhus University
2014-20 Senior Researcher, Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology, Human-Computer Interaction Group, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
2011-15 Visiting Research Fellow, Human Centred Technology Group, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
2008-11 Postdoctoral Fellow, Human Centred Technology Group, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
2008 Research Assistant, Cognitive Science Group, Queen Mary, University of London. Augmented Human Interaction Laboratory
2005-07 Research Assistant, Signal Processing and Speech Communication Lab, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
2003-04 Research Assistant, Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics, University of dramatic Arts and Music, Graz, Austria.


2019 Venia Docendi (Habilitation) in Computer Science, TU Wien. Title: “Rethinking Assistive Technologies with Autistic Children”
2009 Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London Interaction Media Communication Group, Department for Computer Science. Title: “Auditory Display Design - An Investigation of a Design Pattern Approach” Supervisors: Dr Tony Stockman, Dr Marie-Luce Bourguet
Examiners: Prof Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen), Dr Paul Vickers (Northumbria University)
2003 Master of Science (Dipl.-Ing.), Graz University of Technology, Austria Telematics (Computer Science and Electrical Engineering)
Thesis: “3D audio interfaces for the blind”
Supervisor: Prof Gernot Kubin
Crazy Ideas Award for research projects


2022-27 doc.hci - Doctoral College, Designing Meaningful Human-Technology Relations. Co-Principle Investigator, PLUS together with FH Salzburg, funded by FWF (Austrian Science Fund - DFH-12 - €1.5M)
2022-27 Caring Robots // Robotic Care - Re-thinking the role of robots in care. Co-Principle Investigator, funded by FWF (Austrian Science Fund - CM100 - €1M overall budget, €250k at PLUS)
2021-24 Diversity Computing Spaces - Designing meaningful interactions for diverse groups of children and young adults in informal educational settings. Principle Investigator, funded by FWF (Austrian Science Fund - P 34226 - €512k)
2018-19 COMPASS - Cooperative Design Spaces for Next Generation Internet-of-Things Solutions, Co-Investigator FFG (ICT for the future - 867550 - €253k overall budget, €65k at TU Wien)
2017-20 Social Play Technologies for Autistic Children. Principle Investigator FWF (Austrian Science Fund - P29970-N31 - €401k)
2016-19 WAALTeR - AAL test region Vienna, 86 homes outfitted with Active Assistive Living (AAL) Technology for the elderly. Co-Investigator, FFG / bmvit (Benefit Program number 856179 - 15 partners - €1922k overall budget, €84k at TU Wien)
2014-17 OutsideTheBox - Rethinking Assistive Technologies with Children with Autism. Principle Investigator, FWF (Austrian Science Fund - P26281-N23 - €448k)
2005-08 Departmental PhD Scholarship. Queen Mary, University of London (3 years fees + living allowance)
2002-03 3D Interfaces for the Blind (funded Master Thesis). BFI (Berufsförderungsinstitut - €8720)

Academic Service

Editor Associate Editor for International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction (Elsevier, since 2016)
Editorial Board Member TACCESS - ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (ACM, since 2018)
Boards Member of the PDC Advisory Board (Participatory Design Conference, since 2016)
Member of the ACM SIGCHI Ethics Advisory Board (since 2016)
Board of ICAD (International Community for Auditory Displays) (2006 - 2012)

Expert roles Grant reviewer National Science Foundation (NSF)
European Research Council (Reviewer for Consolidator Grants)

Committee Exploratory Paper Chair PDC'22 (Participatory Design Conference)
Work-in-Progress Chair TEI’21 (Tangible and Embodied Interaction Conference)
Conversations Chair PDC’20 (Participatory Design Conference)
Doctoral Consortium Chair ACM IDC’19 (Interaction Design and Children)
Associate Chair for Full Papers DIS 2018 (ACM Designing Interactive Interfaces)
Programme Committee for the 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility ASSETS 2018
Design and Research Competition Chair IDC 2018 (Interaction Design and Children)
Associate Chair for Full Papers (Understanding People Subcommittee) at CHI 2018 (ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems)
Technical Program and Publication Chair IDC 2017 (Interaction Design and Children), Stanford USA
Workshop Co-Chair at CHI 2017 (ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems)

Journal reviewing
TOCHI: Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM)
IwC: Interacting with Computing (Oxford)
IJHCS: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Elsevier)
IJCCI: International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction (Elsevier)
IMWUT: Proceedings of ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts (Taylor & Francis)
Presence (MIT Press Journals)
IJD: International Journal of Design
IxD&A: Interaction Design and Architecture

Conference reviewing
CHI: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
PDC: Participatory Design Conference
IDC: International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
CC: ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
DIS: Designing Interactive Systems
Interact: Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
British HCI: Conference on Human-Computer Interaction by the British Computer Society
ICAD: International Conference on Auditory Display
SMC: Sound and Music Computing Conference